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Big Deal Big Money – Common Cause

Big Deal Big Money – Common Cause published on No Comments on Big Deal Big Money – Common Cause

Big Deal Big Money - Common CauseEvery company has meetings where people sit around and throw out ideas for how to make more money without providing any new/improved service or product.  It looks like Verizon’s idea is to effectively cripple the internet by monetizing access to certain web sites.  Big Deal Big Money – Common Cause explains the situation with a vibrant and clear infographic (part of which is copied here) and links you to ways to take action.

Somehow, getting more information on how big companies buy government support with vast amounts of money makes the government’s recent struggles with budgeting even more ridiculous.  I mean, if it could get any more ridiculous.

Too bad, too, I was just talking about how much I liked Verizon’s phone service.  Looks like every business is susceptible to bad business practices.

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