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Course Catalog | Coursera

Course Catalog | Coursera published on No Comments on Course Catalog | Coursera

I like learning, yes I do.  I like learning, how bout you?

Dudes!  I just found out about this fabulous online endeavor to make University courses available for free to people all over the world.  There are 203 courses in the Course Catalog of Coursera.  They range from history and poetry to mathematical thinking and operations management.  I am nearly jumping in my seat with the possibilities and ranges of information that I can pack my brain full of.

The only draw back, and yet it’s kind of nicely cementing learning in time, is that the courses have a set begin date and structure.  So, I would need to make the time, instead of find the time.

Okay okay, in April there is an Introduction to Guitar course.  Not that I’m not really tempted by irrational behavior and physiology, philosophy and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PLANNING!!!!!  But, maybe I can have time by April. Okay.

So Excited!

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