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LeEtta 1995 ’cause I was inspired by laughter

LeEtta 1995 ’cause I was inspired by laughter published on No Comments on LeEtta 1995 ’cause I was inspired by laughter

I could not keep my composure while reading The Teen Years: 9 Cringe-Inducing Realizations | Wait But Why, because it is so spot on and hilarious.  And because I am human and all humans like to think they are different, and perhaps not as ridiculous as everyone else is even though they are, I dug through my stack of old journals for your enjoyment…

I remember being excessively proud of this Jester poem when I was 15.  That memory caused me to laugh out loud and scan this for ya’ll above any other poem in this multi-color pen monstrosity.  It is not the worst thing in there.  The green inked companion poem in this picture isn’t even the worst thing in there.  I can only embarrass myself so much.

I also found LeEtta circa 1997 while I was looking.  I include this ’cause I actually like it and it seems much more than two years different, to me at least.


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